We’re traipsing around the world again to explore décor. Last time, we found inspiration in India, Cuba, and England. By recreating looks from places far and wide, you can invigorate your home with personality and depth. Scroll through the below to get a taste of another world… then start decorating.


The Elements: Pillows. Prints. Lanterns. Rugs. Metallic Accents. Handcrafted. Mosaics.

Imagine: The blazing African sun over vibrant bazaars. The taste of mint tea on your tongue. The sands of the Sahara spread across the horizon.

Moroccan Collage

Image sources: Bungalow ClassicAllison McNamaraUrban OutfittersBrydie Mack


The Elements: Nature. Wood. Stone. Bold Art. Contemporary. Forward Design. Open Air.

Imagine: Playful celebrations of Carnival. The lush mysteries of the jungle creeping in the window. Statement-making art in every direction.

Brazil Collage

Image sources: Casa VogueEclectic TrendsTrend LandArchitectural Digest


The Elements: Antiques. Romance. Chic Juxtaposition. Opulence. Gold. Chandeliers. Mirrors.

Imagine: The indulgent flavours of espresso and baguettes and cheese and wine. Wandering the historic streets with an accordion creating the soundtrack. Croissant crumbs forever tumbling over your all-black attire.

Paris Collage

Image sources: Simon UptonOne Kings LaneMy DomaineAnthropologieThe Glamourai