We’re pretty big on safety at StreetSide, and this month’s tip for homeowners is focused on just that. Keep you and your family safe by following these simple steps this October.


A few easy maintenance chores will decrease the risk of fire or alert you in case of one – just check off the steps below.

  1. Keep a multi-purpose fire extinguisher easily accessible (usually somewhere in the kitchen), filled, and ready for use. You can purchase one at a local hardware store like Canadian Tire or Home Depot. If you don’t know how to use one, ask your local fire station if they hold training sessions or read this great step-by-step guide by the City of Vancouver.
  2. Maintain your smoke detectors by changing the batteries twice a year (spring and fall) and testing them monthly. Make sure there is one on each floor of your home. Your smoke alarms should be replaced every ten years. Read some tips on smoke alarm maintenance from the City of Surrey.
  3. Check your electrical outlets for potential fire hazards. Don’t overload your outlets with numerous plugs, and make sure there are no frayed wires or loose-fitting plugs. Keep your power supply clean.

For more fire safety tips, read through this guide by the City of Vancouver.

If you missed last month’s tip, you can read up on it HERE.